理解 RNN
循环神经网络 (Recurrent Neural Network, RNN) 是一种用于处理时间序列数据的神经网络结构。包括文字、语音、视频等对象。这些数据有两个主要特点:
- 数据无固定长度
- 数据是有时序的,相邻数据之间存在相关性,非相互独立
如果把上面有 W 的那个带箭头的圈去掉,它就变成了普通的全连接神经网络。图中每个圆圈可以看作是一个单元,而且每个单元做的事情也是一样的,因此可以折叠呈左半图的样子。用一句话解释 RNN,就是一个单元结构重复使用。
- $x_t$ 表示 t 时刻的输入
- $y_t$ 表示 t 时刻的输出
- $s_t$ 表示 t 时刻的记忆,即隐藏层的输出
- U 是输入层到隐藏层之间的权重矩阵
- W 是记忆单元到隐藏层之间的权重矩阵
- V 是隐藏层到输出层之间的权重矩阵
- U, W, V 都是权重矩阵,在不同时刻 t 之间是共享权重的
从右半图可以看到,RNN 每个时刻隐藏层输出都会传递给下一时刻,因此每个时刻的网络都会保留一定的来自之前时刻的历史信息,并结合当前时刻的网络状态一并再传给下一时刻。
比如在文本预测中,文本序列为 “machine”,则输入序列和标签序列分别为 “machin” 和 “achine”,网络的概览图如下:
在一个循环神经网络中,假设隐藏层只有一层。在 t 时刻神经网络接收到一个输入 $x_t$,则隐藏层的输出 $s_t$ 为: $$ s_t = \tanh(Ux_t + Ws_{t-1} + b_s) $$
在神经网络刚开始训练时,记忆单元中没有上一时刻的网络状态,这时候 $s_{t-1}$ 就是一个初始值。
在得到隐藏层的输出后,神经网络的输出 $y_t$ 为: $$ y_t = \mathrm{softmax}(Vs_t + b_y) $$
设 t 时刻的输入 $x_t$ 的维度为 $(n_x, m)$,其中 $n_x$ 为变量 $x$ 的维度(输入层节点数量),$m$ 为样本数量;隐藏层节点的数量为 $n_s$;输出层节点数量为 $n_y$。则各变量的信息如下:
变量 | 说明 | 维度 |
$x_t$ | t 时刻输入 | $(n_x, m)$ |
$s_t$ | t 时刻隐藏层输出 | $(n_s, m)$ |
$U$ | 输入层到隐藏层之间的权重矩阵 | $(n_s, n_x)$ |
$W$ | 记忆单元到隐藏层之间的权重矩阵 | $(n_s, n_s)$ |
$V$ | 隐藏层到输出层之间的权重矩阵 | $(n_y, n_s)$ |
$b_s$ | 隐藏层偏置量 | $(n_s, 1)$ |
$b_y$ | 输出层偏置量 | $(n_y, 1)$ |
某个时刻的 RNN 前向计算流程如下:
def rnn_cell_forward(xt, s_prev, parameters):
Implements a single forward step of the RNN-cell
xt -- Your input data at timestep "t", numpy array of shape (n_x, m).
s_prev -- Hidden state at timestep "t-1", numpy array of shape (n_s, m)
parameters -- Python dictionary containing:
U -- Weight matrix multiplying the input, numpy array of shape (n_s, n_x)
W -- Weight matrix multiplying the hidden state, numpy array of shape (n_s, n_s)
V -- Weight matrix relating the hidden-state to the output, numpy array of shape (n_y, n_s)
bs -- Bias, numpy array of shape (n_s, 1)
by -- Bias relating the hidden-state to the output, numpy array of shape (n_y, 1)
s_next -- Next hidden state, of shape (n_s, m)
yt_pred -- Prediction at timestep "t", numpy array of shape (n_y, m)
cache -- Tuple of values needed for the backward pass, contains (s_next, s_prev, xt, parameters)
U = parameters["U"]
W = parameters["W"]
V = parameters["V"]
bs = parameters["bs"]
by = parameters["by"]
# Compute next hidden state
s_next = np.tanh(np.dot(W, s_prev) + np.dot(U, xt) + bs)
# Compute output of the current cell
yt_pred = softmax(np.dot(V, s_next) + by)
# Store values needed for backward propagation in cache
cache = (s_next, s_prev, xt, parameters)
return s_next, yt_pred, cache
接下来考虑沿时间线前向计算的过程,设总的时间步长为 $T_x$,此时网络的输入 $x$ 的维度为 $(n_x, m, T_x)$,$s_0$ 为初始隐藏状态,可以使用一些策略进行初始化:
- 置 0
- 随机值
- 作为模型参数训练学习
通常采用零向量或随机向量作为初始状态,但通过学习得出的初始值可能效果更好,见 6。
def rnn_forward(x, s0, parameters):
Implement the forward propagation of the recurrent neural network
x -- Input data for every time-step, of shape (n_x, m, T_x).
s0 -- Initial hidden state, of shape (n_s, m)
parameters -- See `rnn_cell_forward`
s -- Hidden states for every time-step, numpy array of shape (n_s, m, T_x)
y_pred -- Predictions for every time-step, numpy array of shape (n_y, m, T_x)
caches -- Tuple of values needed for the backward pass, contains (list of caches, x)
# Initialize "caches" which will contain the list of all caches
caches = []
n_x, m, T_x = x.shape
n_y, n_s = parameters["V"].shape
s = np.zeros((n_s, m, T_x))
y_pred = np.zeros((n_y, m, T_x))
s_next = s0
# loop over all time-steps
for t in range(T_x):
# Update next hidden state, compute the prediction
s_next, yt_pred, cache = rnn_cell_forward(x[:,:,t], s_next, parameters)
s[:,:,t] = s_next
y_pred[:,:,t] = yt_pred
caches = (caches, x)
return s, y_pred, caches
关于梯度的计算,我们先计算隐藏层输出 $s_t$ 的梯度,然后根据链式法则求得其他梯度。对于某时刻的隐藏层输出 $s_t$,误差的来源有两个:一个是当前时刻的输出层传递过来的误差,另一个是后面时刻的输出层传递过来的误差。总的来说,就是把大于等于 t 时刻的所有误差都计算进去。
例如,考虑 t - 3 时刻的梯度计算:
$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_{t-3}} &= \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t}} \frac{\partial s_t}{\partial s_{t-1}}\frac{\partial s_{t-1}}{\partial s_{t-2}} \frac{\partial s_{t-2}}{\partial s_{t-3}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-1}} \frac{\partial s_{t-1}}{\partial s_{t-2}} \frac{\partial s_{t-2}}{\partial s_{t-3}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-2}} \frac{\partial s_{t-2}}{\partial s_{t-3}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-3}}\\ &=\frac{\partial s_{t-2}}{\partial s_{t-3}} \left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t}} \frac{\partial s_t}{\partial s_{t-1}}\frac{\partial s_{t-1}}{\partial s_{t-2}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-1}} \frac{\partial s_{t-1}}{\partial s_{t-2}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-2}} \right) + \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_{t-3}}\\ &=\frac{\partial E}{\partial s_{t-2}}\frac{\partial s_{t-2}}{\partial s_{t-3}} + \frac{\partial L}{\partial s_{t-3}} \end{aligned} $$可以看出这是梯度的递归式,最后梯度的两项和上面的描述一致。我们只要从最后的 t 时刻一步一步往前面的时刻推算,就能得到所有时刻的梯度。上式还有一项需要计算,由于 $$ \frac{\partial \tanh(x)}{\partial x} = 1 - \tanh(x)^2 $$
参照前向计算中 $s_t$ 的表达式,则 $s_t$ 关于上一时刻 $s_{t-1}$ 的导数容易求得: $$ \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial s_{t-1}} = W^T(1 - s_t^2) $$
最后可得各权重的梯度: $$ \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial W} = (1 - s_t^2)s_{t-1}^T $$ $$ \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial U} = (1 - s_t^2)x_{t}^T $$ $$ \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial b_s} = \sum_{batch} (1 - s_t^2) $$
具体实现方面,可以分为两部分,一部分是单个 RNN 单元里面的反向传播;另一部分是沿时间线的反向传播。
设当前单元的时刻为 t,我们假设此时已经计算出了当前隐藏层输出 $s_t$ 的梯度 $\frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t}$,各权重的梯度可以立刻得出: $$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial W} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial W} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} (1 - s_t^2)s_{t-1}^T $$ $$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial U} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial U} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} (1 - s_t^2)x_{t}^T $$ $$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial b_s} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial b_s} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} \sum_{batch} (1 - s_t^2) $$
值得注意的是还要计算关于上一个时刻 t - 1 隐藏层输出的梯度(式 3)的第一项: $$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} \frac{\partial s_{t}}{\partial s_{t-1}} = W_T \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} (1 - s_t^2) $$
上面的式子都有公共项,可以提取出来: $$ \text{dtanh} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial s_t} (1 - s_t^2) $$
def rnn_cell_backward(ds_next, cache):
Implements the backward pass for the RNN-cell (single time-step).
ds_next -- Gradient of loss with respect to next hidden state
cache -- python dictionary containing useful values (output of rnn_cell_forward())
gradients -- python dictionary containing:
dx -- Gradients of input data, of shape (n_x, m)
ds_prev -- Gradients of previous hidden state, of shape (n_s, m)
dU -- Gradients of input-to-hidden weights, of shape (n_s, n_x)
dW -- Gradients of hidden-to-hidden weights, of shape (n_s, n_s)
dbs -- Gradients of bias vector, of shape (n_s, 1)
# Retrieve values from cache
(s_next, s_prev, xt, parameters) = cache
# Retrieve values from parameters
U = parameters["U"]
W = parameters["W"]
V = parameters["V"]
bs = parameters["bs"]
by = parameters["by"]
dtanh = (1 - s_next ** 2) * ds_next
dxt = np.dot(U.T, dtanh)
dU = np.dot(dtanh, xt.T)
ds_prev = np.dot(W.T, dtanh)
dW = np.dot(dtanh, s_prev.T)
dbs = np.sum(dtanh, 1, keepdims=True)
gradients = {"dxt": dxt, "ds_prev": ds_prev, "dU": dU, "dW": dW, "dbs": dbs}
return gradients
沿时间线传播的流程是把误差从最后的 t 时刻一步一步往前传播到 0 时刻。假设此时已经计算出了各时刻输出层损失函数对隐藏层输出 $s_t$ 的梯度 $\frac{\partial L}{\partial s_t}$(式 3)的第二项。
则我们在循环每个时刻时,加上上一个单元对当前时刻隐藏层梯度(式 3 的第一项),可计算出式 3 的值,从而进行上面的单元内传播。
def rnn_backward(ds, caches):
Implement the backward pass for a RNN over an entire sequence of input data.
ds -- Upstream gradients of all hidden states, of shape (n_s, m, T_x)
caches -- tuple containing information from the forward pass (rnn_forward)
gradients -- python dictionary containing:
dx -- Gradient w.r.t. the input data, numpy-array of shape (n_x, m, T_x)
ds0 -- Gradient w.r.t the initial hidden state, numpy-array of shape (n_s, m)
dU -- Gradient w.r.t the input's weight matrix, numpy-array of shape (n_s, n_x)
dW -- Gradient w.r.t the hidden state's weight matrix, numpy-arrayof shape (n_s, n_s)
dbs -- Gradient w.r.t the bias, of shape (n_s, 1)
(caches, x) = caches
(s1, s0, x1, parameters) = caches[0]
n_s, m, T_x = ds.shape
n_x, m = x1.shape
# Initialize the gradients with the right sizes
dx = np.zeros((n_x, m, T_x))
dU = np.zeros((n_s, n_x))
dW = np.zeros((n_s, n_s))
dbs = np.zeros((n_s, 1))
ds0 = np.zeros((n_s, m))
ds_prevt = np.zeros((n_s, m))
# Loop through all the time steps
for t in reversed(range(T_x)):
# Compute gradients at time step t.
gradients = rnn_cell_backward(ds[:, :, t] + ds_prevt, caches[t])
# Retrieve derivatives from gradients
dxt, ds_prevt, dUt, dWt, dbst = gradients["dxt"], gradients["ds_prev"], gradients["dU"], gradients["dW"], gradients["dbs"]
# Increment global derivatives w.r.t parameters by adding their derivative at time-step t
dx[:, :, t] = dxt
dU += dUt
dW += dWt
dbs += dbst
# Set da0 to the gradient of a which has been backpropagated through all time-steps
ds0 = ds_prevt
# Store the gradients in a python dictionary
gradients = {"dx": dx, "ds0": ds0, "dU": dU, "dW": dW, "dbs": dbs}
return gradients
- 计算考虑了历史信息
- 适合处理序列数据
- 可处理任意长度的输入
- 梯度消失、梯度爆炸
- 无法处理长时依赖问题
- 计算速度慢
[2] RNN神经网络模型综述
[3] The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
[4] 循环神经网络 - 动手学深度学习
[5] Building your Recurrent Neural Network - Step by Step